Patent Application Grant


Patent Application Grant (PAG) aims to encourage local companies and inventors to capitalize their intellectual work through patent registration.


All locally incorporated companies, Hong Kong permanent residents or Hong Kong residents permitted to remain in Hong Kong for not less than 7 years which/who have never owned any patents in any countries or territories nor received funding under PAG before will be eligible.


For an individual applicant, the applicant must be the sole inventor or one of the joint inventors of the invention.


For a company applicant, the inventor(s) of the invention shall be (a) directly related party(ies) to the applicant company, e.g. owner, shareholder, director, or staff.  As PAG is for the first-time patent seekers only, funding support will not be provided if funding has been granted under PAG to the applicant company's related company(ies) [i.e. (1) company(ies) having a major shareholder (viz. those with 50% or more ownership) in common with the applicant company or (2) company(ies) without major shareholder(s) but having shareholders identical to those of the applicant company] before.


All applications for functional patents and inventions with technology elements and susceptible of industrial application are eligible.  Cosmetic designs will not be supported. 



Maximum funding support: HK$250,000 or 90% of the sum of the total direct costs of patent application (including the cost for patent search-cum-technical

                                             assessment), whichever is the lower.


The individual applicant/company applicant has to bear the remaining balance required for the patent application.


The grant is non-transferrable and will be valid for 3 years from the date of approval of the application.



The implementation agent of PAG is the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC).  Applications will be processed through HKPC on a confidential basis.


 Applicants must provide HKPC with details of their ideas or inventions.  Patent search-cum-technical assessments will be conducted by HKPC, based on which the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) will decide whether the applications should be approved and  ITC's decisions will be final.


We have helped many clients apply for PAG and have helped them successfully obtain patent protection in various countries.  If you need more detailed information, please feel free to contact us.  We will wholeheartedly provide you with consulting services, preparation of application materials and follow-up feedback on the progress of each stage in the application process, so as to help you apply for PAG.